
Willem Lodewijk Healthcare Workshop conference generates interesting ideas

On Friday 7 June 2013, during the second Willem Lodewijk Conference with the motto ‘Back to basics’, around 150 participants…

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LIMIS open days 10 and 11 May 2013

Following the ‘Europe around the corner Viewing Days‘ 2013 LIMIS Innovation & Knowledge Centre (located in the MCL, route 93)…

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Olympus cooperates with MCL and LIMIS

Olympus Medical Systems Europe (Olympus) in Hamburg will work closely with Medical Centre Leeuwarden (MCL) and Leeuwarden Institute for Healthcare Innovations…

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Games for Health Europe Conference

LIMIS was present at the Games for Health Conference Europe 2012, Europe’s most interesting and comprehensive conference on serious gaming in care. This year’s focus was on emerging new technologies. People including Microsoft and Intel gave interesting presentations. LIMIS develops several serious gaming concepts and closely follows the latest developments…

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LIMIS congratulates Dr. Marc van Det with his disertation

On Wednesday, November 14, Marc van Det graduated as Doctor of Medicine with his thesis “Training, Efficiency and Ergonomics in Minimally Invasive Surgery“.  His supervisor was Prof. dr. J.P.E.N. Pierie of UMCG, Surgeon and educator Surgery in MCL and also chief medical training at LIMIS. The co–supervisor was Dr. W.J.H.J. Meijerink of VUMC and one of the LIMIS–founders. LIMIS builds on the knowledge…

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Oratie prof. dr. Pierie over de maakbaarheid van de chirurg Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Prof. dr. Jean-Pierre Pierie, medisch hoofd Opleiding en Training bij LIMIS, bespreekt op 17 januari 2012 in zijn oratie in…

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Project Springboard 2.0 – Med. Technology officially started

Springboard 2.0 facilitates cooperation and conditions to develop distinguishing and thereby competitive medical concepts. It acts as a regional platform…

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Hessel Bouma presents Serious Gaming techniques

Hessel Bouma presents Serious Gaming Techniques at the “Lernen in vituellen Welten” (Learning in virtual worlds) conference. Hessel Bouma is…

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Wido Heeman Head Surgical Innovation

"Research and development will always be the core of our innovation strategy"

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